This morning around ten I was riding a bicycle not very far from where I live. I entered a narror
street bordered by houses where I looked at the camellias floweiring in garden corners and the
foliage of medlar trees, all the while enjoying the feeling of cool air on my face, despite the cold.
Then,just as I was going into a larger street, I stopped for a moment to let a car go by, But another
arrived right behind, and it gave me the shivers.
New year’s celebrations have just ended; could it be that my reflexs are still a bit dulled?
In any case, I read in my horosecope that I should watch out for car accidents this year.
Recently the number of aged people dying in bicycle accidents has increased considerably.
Ten years ago, my own mother-in-law,who was liveng in a house near the apartment that was turning left just as she was in the crossewalk, and she died of it at the age of 79.
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