The closer I got the train station, the more the numeber of cars and bikes increassed dramatically.
I’ve lived in this neighborhood for thirty years, but in the space of a few years, high office and
appartment buildings in glass and reinforced concrete have begun to prolifarate like muchrooms.
The plum trees and large farms of the past have disappeared as have the thick elms and magnificent
paulownia in flower.
On the other hand, the young cherry trees and pines with their slender trunks, which very tips of
their branches. As you turn into the avenue in front of the video rental store,you find youself on
asphalt full of holes, like Swiss cheese! Each time I go that way, I tell myself: oh it looks like the
allergic eczema that I have on my leg! But this morning, to my great astonishment, the street was
quite smooth. From year to year, the neighborhood is becoming more city like, but it gives the
impression of being a simple setting because it’s so artifical.
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